September 7, 2022
• 2 Minute Read
Let's Buy in Bulk this week for our Wise Spend Wednesday! Stock up to avoid making numerous trips to the store. If you purchase things in larger quantities, they come at a lower price per ounce, so save money & buy in bulk!
Buying in bulk is incredibly effective in terms of groceries. However, it also comes into play with paper products & bathroom stuff too. Buying all of these things one at a time adds up. If you can buy in bulk, or even as much as a 2 or 4 pack, will be far more cost effective in the long run. And, there is less risk of running out of something when you need it most!
Top 10 Items to Buy In Bulk
1. Toilet paper. According to a U.S. News & World Report , you can save 50% more by buying TP in bulk than if you purchase single rolls as needed.
2. Paper Towels. Paper towels are a household supply that you should always have on hand. Buying a bundle will not only ensure you're stocked up, but will save you money.
3. Laundry Detergent. We all need clean clothes. Buy the bigger container.
4. Diapers & Wipes. If you have a baby, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Buy the bigger box of both so that you're never left in a bind.
5. Pain Medication. Tylenol & Ibuprofen are good things to stock up on. If you have a decent sized household, someone will always be in need of some sort of pain medication. Stock up to be prepared.
6. Meat. If the offer presents itself, buy a quarter beef or whole hog from a local farmer. Stock your freezer up so your grocery trips are a little lighter on the pocketbook.
7. Canned Food. Canned goods have a long shelf life. You don't need a freezer and can store canned foods just about anywhere. Stock up on items you find yourself using frequently like vegetables, beans and soup.
8. Pet Food. Don't let your pup go hungry. If you have a larger animal, buying the big bag will pan out in the long run.
9. Trash Bags. Trash Bags are compacts & easy to store. And if you're like me, you are constantly cleaning out things, so you'll need a trash bag. Stock up now.
10. Cleaning Supplies. Cleaning goods, such as cleaning spray and toilet bowl cleaner are also great things buy in bulk to have on hand.
In Summary
Keep these things in mind the next time you go shopping. If you find yourself constantly purchasing a certain product, you might as well look into buying a larger quantity this time around. It will save you another trip to the store and a few bucks!
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